We updated the web site from a Pmwiki to a WordPress framework. Previous post are summarised in this post.
What’s up, what’s next : Mid-Term meeting in Grenoble 20th and 21th of February 2020

Workshop on Measurement of Speech Respiration and Speech Preparation Phases, Saarland University, Dept. Language Science and Technology, Saarbrücken, February 2020
Heather, Hélène and Susanne have been invited to present their work at Saarbrücken in Germany.

Welcome Nadège February 1st, 2020 !
We are welcoming Nadège Rochat for one year post-doc position in Grenoble at Gipsa-Lab. Nadège did a PhD in sport studies https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nadege_Rochat. She will work on the link between physical activity, breathing and speech.

Alexandra’s Master thesis defensis, June, 24th, 2019

Recordings in Berlin
During their stay at ZAS, Alexandra and Hélène recorded 25 native speakers of German, while recalling stories in different conditions of legs and/or arm movements. Alexandra defended her Master thesis with great success, based on the first analysis of this corpus. Hélène is back in Grenoble and will now further analyze the corpus and especially the breathing patterns.

Salammbo at the Long Night of Science, 15th of June 2019 in Berlin
On Saturday, you can see us at the Leibniz Headquarter at the Long Night of Science [https://www.langenachtderwissenschaften.de/], an event where research institutes open their doors for the public. We will do an interactive experiment entiteled “Step up your thoughts”. Everybody is welcome!
Wikimedia, VW foundation and the Donors’ Association support Heather Weston for 8 months
Heather applied to be a member of the “Fellow program for free knowledge” [https://de.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Fellow-Programm_Freies_Wissen]. Mentors will support her for 8 months, starting in September 2019. The central aim of the program is to strengthen open science in order to improve the transfer of knowledge into society and the quality of scientific research and teaching. Transparency, collaborative work and learning, reproducibility and comparability of scientific work are elementary prerequisites for this.
Abstract accepted at EuroCogSci 2019 in Bochum
Our abstract on “The effect of different types of physical activity on the temporal organization of speech” has been accepted for a talk at the conference [https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/philosophy/EuroCogSci2019/home].
Susanne Fuchs was invited to a Wenner Gren workshop on biomedical linguistic anthropology in Alabama
A group of researchers from Europe, the US and Australia met from the 19th -25th of May 2019. They discussed biological and social aspects of language and their consequences for health. We got many new inspirations.
Alexandra Steinhilber and Hélène Serre in Berlin
Alexandra and Hélène will be 3 weeks / 3 months in Berlin in order to start with data collection from March to June 2019. We are looking forward to see the results
Abstract accepted for the International Conference on Dance Data, Cognition and Multimodal Communication
Our abstract on “Speaking during rhythmic motions of the feet vs. the hands: how do speech and limb movement affect each other?” has been accepted for poster presentation at the DDCMC conference in Lisbon!
Leonardo Lancia in Berlin, March 2019
Thanks to Leo, we were able to test the relation between the internal clocks for signals from the motion capture and the breathing computer. Post-processing and synchronization work now! Thanks a lot Leo!
Open access for our book on learning and memory
Out of ca. 50 books that Peter Lang Publisher has proposed for the crowdfunding initiative “Knowledge Unlatched” [http://www.knowledgeunlatched.org/], 13 have been selected by a jury of international librarians. The initiative is raising money for publishing books as open access. We are very proud that the book we edited (“Speech Production and Perception: Learning and Memory”) has been selected! Thanks a lot to all the unknown sponsors.
Pamela Fuhrmeister (University of Connecticut) arrived at the 19th of November 2018
She received funding from her university to go abroad and stay at ZAS for one month. Pamela is working on the role of sleep and body motion on learning new phonetic contrasts. She has started to run experiments now.
First meeting: Hélène Serré in Berlin from 11th-16th of November 2018
Hélène visited our lab, and we exchanged our knowledge on the technical side (configurations of motion capture markers), synchronisation between all multimodal channels, and we started to develop the narratives for our experimental design. Hélène also attended the workshop on “Dynamical modelling” (by Khalil Iskarous from USC in L.A.) organized by Aude Noiray in Postdam. Time was too short!
Uwe Reichel (U Munich) at ZAS from 8th-9th of September 2018
Uwe Reichel visited us and showed us different tools to carry out automatic analyses of text (POS tagging, WebMouse…..). Thanks Uwe!
Participation at the Science of Learning Symposium at the MPI for Human Development
Researchers from very different disciplines met in Berlin (2nd-3rd of September, 2018) and exchanged their different views on learning.